As ubiquitous as lawns are in most parts of the country, there are still plenty of American homeowners struggling to achieve the ideal green lawn. Here are some steps to follow if you’re among them:
- Follow Common Lawn Repair Tips
The most likely reason for a less-than-lush lawn is a watering problem. Remember, overwatering can be just as damaging as underwatering. The second thing to consider is if your grass needs extra nutrients. If your soil isn’t rich enough, you may need to try a fertilizer.
If your lawn is still struggling and everyone else on the block has front yards like golf courses, you may want to take a closer look at the grass seed or sod you’re using. Cheap seed isn’t always a bargain, and some grass blends do better than others in specific climates.
- Hire a Lawn Repair Service
There are plenty of homeowners who can keep a healthy lawn healthy, but nursing a lawn back to health can take some special skills. Even if you don’t think you need professional lawn maintenance on a regular basis, you might want to consider hiring a lawn repair service to get you there.
If you know the reason for at least some of the bald spots (such as a dog who favors a few areas), let the company know. There are steps that can be taken to reverse that kind of damage, such as sprinkling gypsum. A professional lawn care company will know the proper combination of fertilizers, soil activators and pesticides that can get your grass into good shape.
- Replace Lawn With Hardscaping
If you’re despairing of ever keeping a lawn green — even once a professional lawn repair service sets you up for success — then you might want to consider investing in hardscape designs. Hardscaping is generally considered to be part of landscaping, but uses non-plant materials such as stone, wood, brick and concrete.
Hardscaping costs a bit more than traditional landscape plantings, but you can add lasting value to your home (and avoid watering duties) by installing beautiful patios and similar areas. And as a plus, these often offer greater function, too.
What have you tried to keep your lawn green? Have you ever considered just replacing grass with paved areas? Join the discussion and ask your questions in the comments.
To learn more, read this: borsellolandscaping.com