Did you know that Americans spent $688 million more in 2011 than in 2010 on lawn care? This means that if you want to keep up with the Joneses, you must learn how to grow grass quickly. Fortunately, by following these important steps, you will be able to grow a lush, green lawn just in time for summer.
1. Use grass seed. This product is important to use because it will give you a full lawn in just a few short weeks. In fact, when you spread good grass seed and water it two to three times per day, you will start seeing new grass in as little as a week. In addition, by using lawn seed, you are able to choose the exact type of grass you want for your lawn, and this will allow you to achieve the most efficacious results possible.
2. Water it appropriately. Once you have good grass seed coverage and your lawn is fully grown, you must make sure not to overwater it. In fact, if you water your grass too frequently, you will actually prevent deep roots from growing healthily. As a rule of thumb, you should only water your lawn one inch per week because this will encourage healthy growth.
3. Cut it appropriately. It is also detrimental to mow your lawn too short. Actually, your grass should stay above three inches in height at all times, and you should avoid cutting it multiple times per week. By following these guidelines, your lawn’s root system will have the opportunity to grow vigorously.
If you want to learn how to grow grass quickly, it is important to consider three helpful tips. In addition to using grass seed, you must also water and cut your lawn the appropriate amount. By following these steps, not only will your lawn grow more quickly, but it will also become more full, green, and attractive.