A fireplace can be a beautiful addition to a home, and an economical method of heating. When using a fireplace it is important to keep safe. A properly maintained chimney, is one way to ensure you will be able to safely and effectively use your fireplace.
Modern safety codes mean that most chimneys are required to have steel chimney liners or liners made of another appropriate material. Chimney flue liners provide a number of safety features to a home. A steel chimney liners limit heat transfer from the chimney to the surrounding structure. An unlined chimney may produce enough heat that surrounding wood and building walls combust.
Steel chimney liners protect the masonry of the chimney from the corrosive acid that can develop as a by product of flue gases. The liner protects the masonry and extends the life of the chimney stonework.
Steel chimney liners also allow for proper installation and sizing of the flue. A chimney and flue not only allows the smoke and gases produced by a fire a way out of the home, they generate a draft to aide in the burning of the fire. Use of a liner that is too small may result in creosote buildup in the chimney. Creosote and dirty chimneys can lead to chimney fires. Creosote build up is estimated to cause 15,000 home fires every year.
A stainless steel chimney liners is an easy investment to make in your home for your families safety. Steel chimney liners, when properly installed, are extremely durable and can make a chimney more safe. Steel chimney liners can be used in all manner of chimneys. They can be used on chimneys for woodburning stoves, gas or oil stoves and traditional fireplaces.
Another way to increase chimney safety is with the installation of chimney caps. Chimney covers protect the flue from rain, keep animals from getting in the chimney, assist in draft control and keep sparks from traveling out of the chimney into near by vegetation.