After years of owning your home and maintaining your lawn a certain way, your methods are no longer. You need to a new weapon against dead grass and brown spots. In order to return your lawn to its previous glory you need strong grass seed coverage. Make a couple of quick alterations and you will quickly see the results.
For many Americans, gardening is their go to hobby when they need to unwind after a rough day at the office. In 2011, do-it-yourself lawn and gardening activities increased 3% over the previous year. U.S. households spent a whopping $29.1 billion on their lawns and gardens in 2011. Using grass seed can save you hundreds of dollars in lawn watering, fertilizer and mowing each season. Good grass seed will stand up in heat and grows in deep shade.
A soil analysis is a good idea — it can determine whether your lawn has the proper pH, nutrients and organic materials to thrive. A soil test is often performed by commercial labs that target groups of compounds and minerals. Do-it-yourself kits usually only test for three major nutrients for soil acidity or pH level. If you want to cut down on the amount of compounds in your yard consider using an eco friendly grass seed. The number of households that use only all-natural lawn care products increased from approximately 5 million in 2004, to 12 million in 2008, and has continued to rise.
The Shakers were the first to produce grass seed on an industrial level, and to supply it to wealthy American families, beginning in the late 18th Century. Today, anyone can use grass seeds on their lawn or for their commercial landscaping business. In order to keep your lawn green grass seed is a key part of the process. You must cut your grass regularly or rake away clippings. You can apply an organic fertilizer or water during dry times of the year.
It can be easy to keep a lawn healthy and green if you regularly use grass seed. Grass seed, along with regular lawn maintenance, will produce long term results for your lawn. Look into your grass seed options and find what is best for your lawn. More on this.