Doctors warn that this coming allergy season may be the worst in years. According to Fox News, “The freezing temperatures of the prolonged winter may have delayed the blooming of trees, and now that it’s finally warming up, trees are expected to bloom at the same time as grasses, causing a dramatic rise in pollen.” There are several steps allergy sufferers can take to lessen symptoms and increase comfort during the likely “Pollen Vortex.” Here’s what you can do:
Strategically Use Home Cooling Systems
Home cooling solutions, such as a reliable air conditioning, can easily help keep common allergens at bay. “Even running the fan in your AC unit with the windows closed will help keep out pollen,” Doctor William Berger explains. Individual air conditioners and many home heating and cooling systems contain filters that remove dust and pollen from rooms. Make sure to invest in regular AC service and repair. Experts recommend calling AC repair services at least once a year; a regularly maintained air conditioner will work best — both for cooling your home and filtering out allergens.
Change Your Clothes and Wash Your Hair
Pediatrician Dr. Lolita “McDavid suggests people who have allergies change their clothes when they get home, so that they don’t walk around the home with the pollen they brought in,” Fox News continues. MSN adds that it is especially important to wash your hair thoroughly after a morning run or spending any extended amount of time outside. Pollen will get trapped in your hair, and transfer to your pillow if you’re not careful, healthcare professionals warn.
Track Daily Pollen Counts
“In many parts of the country, pollen counts are highest between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m. and start to rise again after dusk,” allergy specialist Michael Foggs tells USA Today. Schedule any time outside — whether it’s jogging, walking the dog, or commuting to and from work — around these times whenever possible.
Don’t let the “Pollen Vortex” get the best of you. Carefully use home cooling systems and air conditioners to filter allergens whenever possible. Change your clothes and wash your hair after spending long periods of time outside, and keep track of pollen counts to help keep symptoms at bay. For more, read this link.