The winter chill is beginning to set in and temperatures are dropping. Your heating bill is going to increase as it does every year around this time, but there are ways to save money when the air gets chilly. You may have heard the term winterize in reference to preparing your home for the colder months. When you winterize your home, you?re making changes to keep the heat in and the cold out, thus lowering heating costs. The more heat you keep inside, the less you’ll have to rely on your home system to generate more heat. Simple solutions like closing up drafty doors or insulating windows with plastic, but did you know that your garage door is responsible for losing a great deal of heat in your home? A garage door replacement , repair or enhancement might be what you need to save you money in the long-run throughout the winter.
There are different types of garage doors, but all can let heat escape when you?re not using them. Most garage door problems arise from faulty motors that cause the door to jam when you?re using your automatic garage door opener. If the motor jams and the door doesn?t shut all the way, you?re letting precious heat escape through the bottom! If you?re experiencing this, you may want to consider calling a professional garage door repair specialist to fix it.
Another way to winterize your garage is to insulate it. You can place pieces of foam board in the recesses of your garage door frames. It may even be a good idea to insert two layers for maximum insulation. Some households have furnished garages that function as an entertainment room or another room in the house. If this is the case, you?ll especially want to winterize by insulating not only the door but the walls, too. If you spend time in your garage as a living space or work space, insulation is key to ensure the temperatures of your garage do not drop as low as the temperatures outside.
If there are any major issues, you do not want to put off a garage door replacement or repair. Especially in the winter, you’ll want your garage door functioning properly so that you can stow your car and other belongings in a warmer environment away from the harsh winter conditions.