The heating and air conditioning industry is one of the biggest industries in the country, but because we’re so used to having these options available to us whenever they’re needed, it’s easy to forget just how much we depend on having reliable heating and air systems on a daily basis. If you happen to forget about this industry too, these numbers might just surprise you…
$11 Billion; The total cost of energy used up by air conditioners in American households per year. Air conditioning only makes up an average 5% of all energy costs, too — making it clear that energy-efficient appliances still have a long way to go.
63%: The amount of natural gas, used by American heating and air units, specifically for space heating purposes. The remaining natural gas is used for tasks like cooking and heating up water.
267,600: The estimated number of workers who make sure that American heating and cooling systems are installed and working properly 24/7. Although the industry is changing slightly, and employees working for HVAC repair services have to be increasingly familiar with high-tech digital software, it’s unlikely that these jobs are going anywhere in the future.
No matter how many energy-efficient changes are made, we’ll always need some experienced professionals available to make our homes and work spaces more comfortable. The awesome thing about the heating and air conditioning industry is that it can adapt — it can become more energy-efficient — without making heating and cooling costs for the average American household to skyrocket. Helpful info also found here: www.allseasonscomfortcontrol.com