Linoleum is one of the most popular flooring options for bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, and basements. Cost efficient and water resistant, linoleum flooring can be installed in any color or pattern imaginable. Linoleum floor installation is one of the easiest ways to change the look of a room, requiring less work than tile flooring, carpeting a room, or hardwood flooring. This guide will walk you through the basic steps of linoleum floor installation.
Before you even think about installing your linoleum floor, you must prepare the linoleum and the room. First, set your linoleum in the room and leave it there for at least 24 hours. Once the linoleum has adjusted to the humidity and other environmental factors, you can begin. In addition to removing furniture, baseboards, and old floor coverings, you should consider taking out appliances and removing doors that may also get in the way. It is best to put the linoleum down at once, so stopping to remove items you may have missed once you have started will set you back.
Once you have removed the flooring, appliances, and furniture, you can begin preparing the sub-floor for linoleum installation. Simply clean the floor and repair any minor bumps, scratches, and imperfections. If your sub-floor is too damaged to smooth in a timely manner, you may want to place a plywood underlay over the sub-floor to create an even surface on which to install the linoleum.
Once the room is prepared, you are ready to install your linoleum! Simply cut your linoleum to the room’s dimensions, with a little extra on the edges, and lay it on the floor. Trim the linoleum to fit the room and corners, then apply adhesive. The adhesive you use may be placed on the edges only, or it may need to be spread across the whole floor. Check the manufacturer’s directions to be sure. Cover the floor with a glossy sealant for a nice finish.
Once the adhesive and finish are applied, use a heavy roller to prevent bubbles and bumps. Leave the linoleum to sit for at least 24 hours before walking on it or replacing furniture, and you’re done! Replace your furniture and appliances and enjoy your new floor. Find more on this topic here.