Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are designed implementing a school of thermodynamics for the distribution of healthy air for heating and air conditioning. Using fresh air from outdoors, HVACs regulate safe building conditions regarding temperature and humidity. The systems are complex and require a certified technician for maintenance and repair.
Actually a sub discipline of mechanical engineering, HVAC design implements principles of thermodynamics and heat transfer. These principles ensure temperature regulation while expelling CO2 and “dirty” air to ensure unhealthy air is not recycled. The system design prevents illness with sound air regulation in schools, public buildings and private homes.
Employing principles of fluid mechanics and heat transfer, the complexities involved with the upkeep of an HVAC system for large and small structures are quite involved. No one other than a technician with an HVAC certification should be trusted to inspect and maintain HVAC systems.
Required to undergo a minimum of six months up to two years of training, HVAC technicians must also complete up to a four year apprenticeship program. An indication of expertise, HVAC certification is also required of technicians by the EPA. This is because technicians maintain, service, repair and dispose of refrigerants, which can be very harmful to the atmosphere if not handled correctly. And if the EPA detects unlicensed HVAC maintenance without HVAC certification, the building owner can be fined up to thousands of dollars.
HVAC systems are advanced systems to ensure proper ventilation, reduce air infiltration, and maintain pressure relationships between spaces for dilution or displacement known as room air distribution. Only certified technicians with advanced knowledge in the systems should be trusted to maintain and service the systems for not only building air circulation, but for environmental protection as well. To learn more, read this.