Americans spend about thirty billion annually on lawn care, but how much of that is to pay someone else to take care of the approximate forty million acres of commercial and residential lawn in the United States? Whether it is tree removal or just cutting the grass, lawn care is a task that has faced homeowners for eons, but as perplexing as it can be, there are professionals around to help take on those technical tasks. Whether it’s the fee for grass maintenance or tree removal costs, these professionals keep their prices reasonable and affordable. Here are three things you might want to contact professionals from lawn care companies to help you with when taking care of your lawn:
1. Sprinklers
Instead of paying one of the neighborhood kids to water your lawn, perhaps consider having someone install a proper inground sprinkler system in your lawn. Sprinkler systems cultivate a lush, vivid, healthy appearance for residential and commercial lawns alike by easily and regularly distributing irrigation. Why depend on rain to ensure your lawn gets the moisture that it would need regardless of the weather? These lawn care services will ensure your lawn is healthy even in a drought.
2. Fertilizer
Another thing you could do to keep a happy, healthy lawn is to have a professional fertilize it. Sometimes the dirt in a lawn just isn’t as naturally conducive to grass as it could be. That’s no reason to settle for a substandard lawn though! The fertilizer can help prevent the risk of your lawn growing to look dry, brown, and unhealthy. The professional will ensure the fertilizer is spread evenly, properly, and that the correct kind is used for the healthiest lawn possible for your climate. When used in conjunction with a sprinkler, your neighbors may become green with envy over your green lawn, but their lawns definitely won’t be quite as green!
3. Tree Removal
Finally, you should definitely contact a professional if you decide to remove any trees in your lawn. Dead tree removal costs many people their lives each year due to would-be lumberjacks not taking enough care. Even if you luck out and aren’t hurt, oftentimes tree removal costs people their homes, cars, or other expensive property when done incorrectly. On top of that, the removal can easily damage your lawn if done improperly. Professionals are trained to remove these trees in the safest manner possible both for you and for your lawn. There’s no need to put anyone or anything in any unnecessary danger when facing up to a task like this! What are some things you have or would want someone to help you with on your lawn?
More: www.greentouchservice.com