Future houses are said to be designed to withstand any element, any potential natural disaster, and will contain technological advances only previously seen in Hollywoods movies. Future house designs can be tornado proof in that they fold up when torrential rains and gales hit. As soon as the home folds, it slips into the ground until the storm is over. When the storm is over, the house folds itself back out and life returns to normal. (And yes, a prototype for this already exists in Hong Kong.) There are also homes of the future that suspend in mid air by hanging from cables that project from blimp like structures. Underwater hotels that allow boarders to sleep with the fishes, urban tree houses, and cabins built into hillsides (think Frank Lloyd Wrights Fallingwater residence) are some other ingenious future house ideas dreamed up by architects and scientists.
Future housing trends include technology, too. Future house technology is already in some American cities, actually. For example, super fast internet, which is composed of gigabit fiber connections, is already underway in Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas City, Kansas (thanks too Google). More intuitive and smarter thermostats are expected to be incorporated into homes. This, some say, will change the way we heat and cool our homes. It will make us all more ecologically friendly, too. In terms of television and entertainment, the wave of the future will be video streaming via the internet. And in the kitchen, technology is already being developed in which your refrigerator suggests what is for dinner based on the contents of said fridge! This technology will also create your shopping list for you.
What if you want to design your future house? How much of your future houses design you want to be involved in is up to you. You can search for interior and room by room ideas, or uncover entire house and exterior design ideas. There are thousands upon thousands of interior and exterior design photos online. There is even a corner toilet to save space!