Household fires can get a whole lot worse — and in as little as 10 minutes. Studies show that fires can nearly double in size in just minutes’ time. Moreover, you won’t believe some of the seemingly innocent things that have started large blazes in people’s homes. The London Brigade reveals some of the strangest causes of residential fires.
Life Isn’t Like Snow White and Cinderella; Animals Don’t Clean, But They Do Start Fires
No matter how cute and/or innocent they might look, don’t let them fool you. Animals are little arsonists, and the following stories drive home that point. Among the unlikely arsonists are pigeons, dogs, and even mice. Fire protection equipment, fire alarm monitoring services, and commercial fire alarm monitoring may be strictly necessary, thanks to these rogue animals. A pigeon in London started a building on fire by dropping a lit cigarette down a disused chimney, a household pet (a dog) started a fire in his home when he accidentally jumped near the toaster, and mice started a fire in a commercial building by chewing through the electric wiring behind a freezer.
Embarrassing First Date Mishaps
“A teenage boy on his first date sprayed a can of deodorant on himself, then inexplicably lit what remained in the can, causing an explosion,” The London Brigade reveals. Knowing boys, the most probably cause is curiosity and the teen simply wanting to know what could happen. (He found out, to say the least!)
Apparently, Toilet Paper Is Not Your Friend
Keep fire extinguishers handy, especially if you make poor choices when it comes to toilet paper. One man in England, for example, decided to use a toilet paper roll as a candle holder. What’s the worst that could happen, right? He found out when he left the candle unattended, and it set his house on fire.
Is commercial fire alarm monitoring absolutely necessary? The answer is — without question — yes. Fires can start for the strangest of reasons, and homeowners and business owners alike should be prepared for anything. For more information see this: www.piperfire.com