Character is a commonly sought after trait in a home. As a man, I spent many years stumbling over interior design magazines, and awkwardly fumbling with DIY projects. One day, it all made sense to me.
I stumbled upon an article on contemporary kitchen cabinetry, and it explained refacing cabinets like nobody else ever did. The answer to my problem was just so simple! All I needed in order to give my place some real character (which also speaks to my personality) was to find some custom kitchen cabinetry.
I realized it was all about texture. A great deal of contemporary kitchen cabinetry, much like granite for kitchen counters, can add a great deal of texture to any home. It was the same day that I read that article that I went to the store and bought myself some contemporary kitchen cabinetry and granite. The benefits of granite countertops and custom cabinets are that they are both durable, stylish, personalized, and can withstand the elements. Everything a man could need in home furnishings can be found in contemporary kitchen cabinetry.
Although today’s log cabins are built for luxury, the architectural design was originally for displaying the hardships of the Northern Frontier in the 1800s. Once I purchased my rustic cabinet hardware pulls, I went a little crazy with the rustic vibe. With hammered copper furniture, I was able to achieve timeless style with a modern sensibility.
People began taking more interest in creating more efficient homes after WWII. Kitchen cabinets began becoming more meticulously designed. In the 1920s, psychologist Lillian Moller Gilbreth spearheaded the motion studies movement of housework, which directly led to contemporary kitchen cabinetry.
I highly suggest that you look into a kitchen renovation today. Granite counters and contemporary kitchen cabinetry will change the way you look at DIY projects, cabinets, and your own kitchen forever.