Whether a home has an attached garage or not, most homeowners understand that this is an important part of your property to protect. One research estimate claims that around 50% of home burglaries are the result of an open or unsecured garage door. However, safety is just one reason for homeowners to swap out their old garage doors for new ones.
If you’re thinking about making this crucial home improvement upgrade to your home, here are some reasons to look into new overhead doors for your garage.
1. Safety: As mentioned above, a garage door lacking in accurate security could cause a home to be burglarized. New garage doors can come with security features such as electronic keypad entry. More secure overhead doors can especially have benefits for homes with attached garages.
2. Looks: Approximately 71% of homeowners in an online survey reported that new garage door installation increased the value of their homes. A new overhead door can replace an older one with something more stylish. Because older doors tend to be made from wood, they can break down more easily over time. A metal garage door can keep a home looking attractive without requiring as much upkeep as a wooden door.
3. Technology: As technology improves, so do the things we use every day to make our lives more convenient. For example, at least 71% of homeowners use their garage door openers to get into their homes a daily basis. Automatic garage door openers today are much quieter than the ones from years ago that used clanking chains to lift the door. Also, today’s garage door openers are sometimes more efficient than old ones, which is good news for those who take advantage of the federal government’s Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008 extends which gives tax credits for energy efficient home improvements.
Do you have questions about what new overhead doors can do for your home? Be sure to contact your local garage door service and installation professionals. There are over 64,000 Americans employed in this industry, so you’ll have plenty of options for this home improvement project.
Have you installed a new garage door, or do you plan to soon? Tell us about it in the comments. Helpful sites.