Did you know that there are almost 100,000 businesses in the U.S. that help residents and businesses alike with their fencing needs? That is a lot of fencing. The U.S. fencing industry as a whole is worth $51 billion — that’s how much fencing is sold each year. You don’t want to spend a ton of money, though, on a fence that doesn’t turn out to be right for you. Here are a few things you should keep in mind about your various options for fences.
Wood Fencing
- Wood fences have a more traditional look that many people admire. They tend to blend in well with existing architecture, while adding an attractive framing to lawns in their own right.
- However, wood does require more upkeep than most other options. Staining or painting it every few years will likely be necessary, and the bottom of the fence needs to be kept clear of debris and standing water in order to avoid the threat of mold and insects.
Vinyl Fences
- Vinyl fences are also popular, especially because they can resemble a wooden fence in appearance so long as they are viewed from a distance (up close, it is more obviously not wood). They require fairly minimal upkeep.
- Vinyl privacy fences are popular because they can keep out unwanted eyes. They are a frequent choice for poolside solutions.
Wrought Iron Fences
- Wrought iron fences can be a beautiful addition to any yard — they can also potentially add more design flair than what the typically simple wood or vinyl can provide. Wrought iron fences are black in appearance.
- Wrought iron is great for gardens, and less good for privacy, since it does not really prevent anyone from looking into the yard, or do anything in way of providing a sound barrier. If the pickets are located closely enough together, though, it can be used to fence up pets and children.
Would you prefer wrought iron, vinyl, or wood fences for your yard — or perhaps something else altogether? Let us know in the comments.