If you live in any of the areas that see hurricanes, it may be a good idea to replace your windows and doors with hurricane resistant ones. Homeowners who replace their windows tend to get a very high return on investment (ROI). The ROI for this home renovation project is about 78%. This can feel like a major construction job but will be worth it. The peace of mind alone, knowing your home is as ready as it can be for a hurricane, makes this worth it.
If you are not sure what kind of window your home needs, it is worth it to spend some time looking into it before the construction project begins.
What kinds of storms does your area really see?
f you live in most of Florida and large parts of the East Coast, getting windows that can withstand a hurricane is a smart move. The windows should be able to withstand more than the building codes require them to. If they are good quality and are listed as impact resistant, they should be able to withstand winds that are 200 miles per hour or more.
Saying you want impact resistant windows is the first step in the process of buying and installing them. There are more than one kind of impact windows. Many people go for double hung windows. There are are also horizontal slide windows, picture windows, sliding patio doors and casement windows. They all have to undergo strict testing and be able to withstand those high winds that so often are part of the hurricane system that may hit your area. You need to take you time and find windows that look good with your home’s style and decor. Luckily, there are enough different kinds that you should be able to find quality impact windows that will look great on your home.
During the construction of these windows, the manufacturer uses the best quality materials. They are built to withstand the heavy winds but also the extreme humidity and heat that is so often a part of the summers in Florida and elsewhere along the coastal regions of the United States. These windows can be exposed to temperatures that get as high as 300 degrees Fahrenheit. They cannot crack or blister at even that high temperature. The manufacturer also exposes them to intense water and wind testing. In order to have the label of impact windows, these must be able to perform at all levels of testing. Whether it be heat, water or wind, these windows need to exceed expectations for all endurance testing.
Good impact windows have impact resistant glass. This protects your windows and your home from any debris that is flying around in the wind during a bad storm.
Impact windows can save you money on your energy bill.
Most impact windows have the Energy Star label on them. Sometimes utility companies will offer a rebate for replacing your windows with more energy efficient Energy Star windows. These energy efficient windows can cut between seven and 15% from your utility bills. Nearly 30% of all heat is lost from a home through windows that are not energy efficient. A lot of air conditioning is lost due to these windows as well. If your windows and doors are not insulated properly and are not efficient, you can actually feel the heat from the outside creeping in in the summer. That makes your air conditioning unit work that much harder and it will cost you a lot more.
Additionally, you may get some money off your homeowner’s insurance because of these windows’ ability to protect your home from hurricanes and other storms. This is one construction job that may pay for itself.
Make sure you hire the right people to install your new windows.
If you hire window contractors who do not follow the manufacturer’s instructions when completing the construction project that is your window replacement, it can void the warranty. Make sure the people you have handle your window installation are qualified and know what they are doing. You can get the best windows in the world but if they are installed incorrectly, they will do you no good.