7 Spots All Homebuyers Need to be Scrutinizing for Water Damage
One of the most important steps in buying a new home is a standard home inspection. There’s a reason 99% of Realtors recommend that buyers invest in home inspection services; buying a house is a huge real estate decision, and it’s one you want to make after considering as much information as possible. But by…
3 Tips on How to Save on Energy Bills
Heating and cooling systems take up a lot of energy in households around the country. Specifically, the average American household has heating and cooling services which take up about 48% of the house’s total energy use. Having an efficient home heating and cooling system is critical if you want to save on your house’s energy…
3 Unexpected Benefits to Careful Landscape Design
Everyone loves a neat lawn, but there are plenty of benefits to careful landscape design aside from the aesthetic pleasure. Of residents in retirement communities asked in a survey, 99% of them deemed landscaped grounds as important or essential in their opinions. H