According to the Census Bureau, the number of newly-built housing starts in the United States increased by an astounding 26.4% from April 2013 to April 2014. This is because the negative effects of the Great Recession are beginning to diminish, so it is becoming more affordable to build a new home. Fortunately, there are several benefits of building custom homes, as this is a perfect way to attain the home of your dreams.
1. You control the location. One of the greatest aspects of building your own home is that you can construct it nearly anywhere. Additionally, you are able to decide how much land you want, as well as how much land your house will take up. Since building a custom home is a perfect option for individuals who want an “aging in place” house, you are given the freedom to live in a location where you will be completely satisfied for a good majority of your life.
2. You control the layout. Now here is where things get interesting. Building a custom home allows you to control every aspect of your home’s layout, including the size of the house, its overall accessibility, the number of rooms, and the size of each room. Since you are able to choose your own unique floor plan when you build a custom home, you can finally fulfill your ideal lifestyle.
3. You control the amenities. After you work with the best custom home builders to design the layout, you have the opportunity to choose from a variety of amenities. For example, you control the flooring, fixtures, appliances, and lighting, and you are even able to make your home more “green.” Additionally, you can add certain accommodations, such as wheelchair ramps and walk-in bathtubs, for individuals who have trouble getting around.
Building new homes can be a rewarding experience for both current and new homeowners. Not only do you have the ability to decide where to build the house, but you also have control over the layout and amenities, as well. As a result, building custom homes is an effective way to construct the house you have always wanted. Great references here.