There are a few questions and debates that continually circulate in the world of home design. Farmhouse sinks, for example, have both lovers and haters among America’s prominent home planners.
This week in the Chicago Tribune, the recurring question was, “Are granite counters going, going gone?” As the article points out, granite has been a spotlight hogger over the past several years as the lead countertop of choice. Is this the only option worth exploring, though?
You may have heard the modern adage that, “If a title asks a question, the answer is no.” Such was the case with the Chicago Tribune; granite isn’t “gone” in the slightest, it just has a little more competition. It still remains one of the most popular options thanks to its high heat tolerance, resilience to scratching, and beauty. While alternatives like stone-patterned laminate and engineered quartz are popular, they aren’t really any cheaper, and have drawbacks of their own. Granite countertop businesses have remained popular with consumers across the country.
Have you been thinking about owning a granite countertop business? It’s not a bad market to get into if there are not many competing granite businesses in your area. It’s a year round industry, it’s profitable, and demand isn’t going to suddenly drop anytime soon. As the economy starts to bounce back and homeowners have more money in their pockets, you may, in fact, see more requests for granite than ever before.
The important thing to keep in mind if you want to have a successful granite countertop business is to approach your company logically, and with forethought. It’s not about just knowing how to install a countertop. You’ll need to handle insurance for your company, find the lowest-cost granite supplier, cut the granite so that it correctly fits countertops, and more.
This might seem like a lot to handle at once. You don’t want to be a start-up company that fails because of a mistake that you could have handled, had you known what to do. And indeed, by year four of operation, about 50% of startups have already bitten the dust. Some of the most common issues include bad borrowing practices, a lack of supplier knowledge, tax nonpayment, waste advertising budgets, and too-rapid expansion. You don’t want these problems to end your business! For this reason, you might find success working with a granite franchise company. This way you’ll have a successful business plan ready to go, rather than making it up as you go along.
Have you considered working with home restoration franchises? Let us know in the comments.
For more information see this: www.granitetransformationsfranchise.com